

Ryan Quinn & Cassie Kay

Ryan Quinn and Cassie Kay are engaged lovers of the strangest cinema has to offer. Both film students and now media professionals, they both believe that b-movies rarely get their fair shake at critical analysis and are here to set the record straight.



Brad Grimm

Brad Grimm is a filmmaker who just moved back to Pittsburgh, PA from New York City where he worked for a decade on many film, television, and commercial projects, including The Food That Built America series. His expertise extends to all technical aspects of film production and he has a love of the "deep cuts" as he calls them, so we're thrilled to welcome his unique voice to our conversation on the true value of cinematic oddities!

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Connie Chen

Connie Chen is a film lover who is married to cinematographer Ryan Kroboth. While she famously dislikes modern horror, she loves classic shlock and bizarre cult films, and brings with her a rich knowledge of b-cinema and the often overlooked emotional core of some of cinema's strangest flicks.

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Ryan Kroboth

Ryan Kroboth is a professional cinematographer who has worked with giants in the industry, including Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese. He brings with him tons of knowledge of cinematic visuals, from technical details to artistic interpretation. He went to college with Ryan Quinn and has been coaxed into participating in this podcast with the promise of free beer.

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