Incredibly Strange Video
Film lovers Ryan and Cassie take a critical look at films that are often only laughed at, lovingly dissecting b-movies, cult cinema, and "so bad it's good" flicks to gain a new appreciation for unusual cinema.
Incredibly Strange Video
Ep. 4: Crackerjack
Christopher Plummer as Hans Gruber has taken over a ski resort with his German mercenaries. The only hope for those held captive: the bad guy from Karate Kid III. This is Crackerjack, the incredibly entertaining direct-to-video Canadian action film that we're discussing on this episode!
Sure, it's a pretty blatant Die Hard rip off, but there's so much to love about this crazy little movie, from the completely unhinged performance of Thomas Ian Griffith in the titular lead role, to the legitimately great miniature work in the large scale action scenes, to the most hilarious "flashback to a wife exploding in a car" scene ever committed to film.
We love this movie and we're excited to share it with you!
Directed by Michael Mazo
1994, Canada
Incredibly Strange Video is produced and edited by Ryan Quinn and Cassie Kay. Follow us on Instagram @incrediblystrangevideo for updates on the newest episodes!
Theme music:
The End by EVA
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