Incredibly Strange Video
Film lovers Ryan and Cassie take a critical look at films that are often only laughed at, lovingly dissecting b-movies, cult cinema, and "so bad it's good" flicks to gain a new appreciation for unusual cinema.
Incredibly Strange Video
Ep. 8: Girls Nite Out
It's Halloween week so there's no better time to enjoy a "slashic" - and in our opinion, the more obscure the better! And this one certainly is! Criminally underseen when it was first released and only recently resurrected by Arrow Video, this forgotten gem features a surprisingly loveable cast of characters and one of the creepiest killers in slasher history!
We're picking this one apart from every angle. We propose a theory using Jungian psychology to better understand the symbolic meaning of the killer bear mascot, discuss how the radio DJ provides a clever (and banging) soundtrack of diagetic music that ties all the film's many spaces together, and of course fawn over the absolutely genius reveal at the end. (Don't worry, no spoilers!)
Before Freddy Fazbear, before Cocaine Bear, before the bear that ate Leo in The Revenant, there was BENSON, the killer bear with deadly claws that pre-date Freddie Kreuger's! Ryan likens this one to Dazed and Confused...but with a murder bear. So if that presses the right buttons for you, give this one a watch and dive in with us!
Girls Nite Out
Directed by Robert Deubel
1982, USA
Incredibly Strange Video is produced and edited by Ryan Quinn and Cassie Kay. Follow us on Instagram @incrediblystrangevideo for updates on the newest episodes!
Theme music:
The End by EVA
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