Incredibly Strange Video
Film lovers Ryan and Cassie take a critical look at films that are often only laughed at, lovingly dissecting b-movies, cult cinema, and "so bad it's good" flicks to gain a new appreciation for unusual cinema.
Incredibly Strange Video
Ep. 10: The Chill Factor
You've likely seen slashers in many different settings, but have you ever seen one in the snowy wilderness of northern Wisconsin? Featuring multiple snowmobile action sequences? Well, if not, then boy are you in for a treat! Because The Chill Factor is an incredibly unique piece of regional horror that's a ton of fun to watch and dissect!
We'll fill you in on what regional horror even is (as it's...a whole thing) and then jump into a contentious analysis of the film's final minutes, which ends up necessitating a live rewatch and shot-by-shot breakdown to decipher what it all might mean. (Hint: it's probably all about incest and it's probably super gross.)
Plus, did we mention snowmobile action sequences?
The Chill Factor
Directed by Christopher Webster
1993, USA
Incredibly Strange Video is produced and edited by Ryan Quinn and Cassie Kay. Follow us on Instagram @incrediblystrangevideo for updates on the newest episodes!
Theme music:
The End by EVA
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