Incredibly Strange Video

Ep. 12: The Hottie and the Nottie

Ryan Quinn & Cassie Kay Season 1 Episode 12

Famously torpedoed as one of the worst films of all time, we're here to tell you...we kind of liked it! Consider this a redemption episode, as we submit ourselves to a film that critics have called "a film of monumental dreadfulness" as well as "excruciatingly, painfully, horribly, terribly awful" and come out the other side the better for it, with lots of soul searching to do, asking a wealth of questions about feminism, body image, mental health, maternal abuse, and farts.

Ryan's mantra throughout this show so far has been that "there are no bad movies, only bad audiences", implying that it's often necessary to adjust your expectations and open yourself up to new and unusual ideas to appreciate films that are wrongfully labeled "bad". That idea is truly put to the test with The Hottie & The Nottie, but alongside our special guests - visiting friends Evan and Rachel from San Francisco - we find a lot to love about this film. Not to mention Cassie makes a startling discovery that flips the entire narrative on its head and warrants a complete re-analysis of the film as a psychological horror.

If this film had been released under the Troma flag it would have surely found its people. Its only mistake was presenting itself as a mainstream comedy. But if you're willing to let this movie get really, really weird with you, through our exploration on this episode, hey, you just might change your tune on it, too!

The Hottie & The Nottie
Directed by Tom Putnam
2008, United States

Incredibly Strange Video is produced and edited by Ryan Quinn and Cassie Kay. Follow us on Instagram @incrediblystrangevideo for updates on the newest episodes!

Theme music:
The End by EVA
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

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