Incredibly Strange Video

Ep. 23: Cinderella 2000

Ryan Quinn & Cassie Kay Season 1 Episode 23

It's the final stop (for now) on our journey into the year 2000! Come along to the mythical fantasy realm of Detroit where in the year 2047 sex has been outlawed by an authoritarian government! That, of course, does not stop basically everyone from having sex anyway, for those who abstain are fraught with a horrible affliction: The Hornies!

Also, this is a retelling of Cinderella.

Also, it's a musical.

And...actually a really good one! Ryan and Cassie are both adamant that if this were to be adapted on Broadway, it would be a smash hit. It has a Fairy Godfather who frolicks through the wilderness with people wearing animal masks while singing about making love. It has a choreographed country western / disco funk number about a robot yearning to have sex with a computer and/or telephone. It has an incredible amount of nudity. Perhaps most importantly, it has a scene in which the Seven Dwarves gang bang Snow White.

Why is Snow White even in this? And what does Ryan think that sequence is trying to say with a historical analysis invoking the Enūma Elish and The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis? Furthermore, Cassie tackles perhaps the biggest question of them all: When Cinderella gives Big Brother a blow job so good he decides to un-ban sex, is that an empowering feminist moment for her character or not? Tap that play button and find out!

Cinderella 2000 is a bonafide hidden gem, even in the realm of already obscure cult films. Generally forgotten and not available to stream anywhere - except for free on of all places! - it's a riotous affair that defies the imagination with new insanity emerging every few minutes. With brilliantly bright colors, a killer 70's score, and a mountain of gratuitous nudity and sex, this is an absolute must-watch for enthusiastic archeologists of incredibly strange cinema.

Cinderella 2000
Directed by Al Adamson
1977, United States 

Incredibly Strange Video is produced and edited by Ryan Quinn and Cassie Kay. Follow us on Instagram @incrediblystrangevideo for updates on the newest episodes!

Theme music:
The End by EVA
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

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